Every time a gift is made, a life changes forever. Here are just a few of those stories.

We all have a story to share

Impact Zoee Zuerkre Impact Zoee Zuerkre

A Journey Toward Healing

Discover how the Frisbies found hope in the midst of uncertainty, thanks to the expert physicians at the INTEGRIS Health Cancer Institute, and because of our generous donors who helped establish lodging funds.

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Skip's Corner Guest User Skip's Corner Guest User

Why Philanthropy Matters

At the heart of philanthropy lies the pursuit of meaningful change, driven by big and powerful dreams. Nonprofit foundations, like INTEGRIS Health, play a crucial role in communities across the country, providing essential healthcare services and resources based on the needs of residents. Unlike for-profit entities, not-for-profit health systems reinvest revenue back into their mission, making communities healthier and stronger. However, as the landscape of healthcare continues to evolve with rising costs and disruptive changes, philanthropy becomes an indispensable tool for driving transformations that can save lives and advance progress.

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